Selling by Walking Away
4 May 2016
A Law is something that is always true. No exceptions. Do you remember Newton’s Laws of Physics? As a salesperson it is vital that you do or you will be missing out on plenty of sales
4 May 2016
A Law is something that is always true. No exceptions. Do you remember Newton’s Laws of Physics? As a salesperson it is vital that you do or you will be missing out on plenty of sales
2 March 2016
Simple sales mistakes, errors could be costing you a fair number of sales. It is easy to overlook these five things that many in sales have never thought about…
27 January 2016
If you search for the top sales’ challenges then you’ll get a list as long as your arm. Here are the top five. You ignore these at your peril.
24 November 2015
Most salespeople are set sales targets. Targets are typically end results and often a simple focus on the end goal is not enough to succeed. How do you know exactly what to do to hit the target?
3 September 2015
Are most people in your industry “doing sales” in the same way as you? Then you are predictable to your prospect and they are blind to you. How could you disrupt the expectations of your prospects?
20 August 2015
How about doing a bit of “swot-ting” up. Applying this well-known formula – strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and strengths – to you; the goal for which is to help you to improve.
21 May 2015
Few sales teams function as a team. Instead, their members are pitted against one another. The enemy is not outside, but within, cooperation stops and could be described as putting a can of Coke in every six-pack of Peps
14 May 2015
When a pitch to a prospect starts to go wrong, most sales people over-react. They point out the features and benefits again or make even more concessions. They do the opposite of what they should do and things only get w
24 March 2015
It’s been suggested that you have about seven seconds to make a good first impression in an interview or meeting. The “elevator speech” is intended to help.
21 November 2012
A suggestion that decisions based solely on logic and experience are not necessarily those that produce the star performers in any field including sales
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