Be More Effective

Nick Bladock


News / Blog (page 6)

Why Do Your Customers Buy From You?

Have you ever thought about why your customers buy from you and not someone else. A superior product? A service is second to none? Specialist expertise? There is another reason that is far more important; one that transc

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Meeting the Need of the Decision Maker

What can you do to increase the chances that that meeting will result in an outcome that will be beneficial to both of you?

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How to Use Thin-Slicing to Increase Sales

The concept of thin-slicing: making a judgement about something or someone based on a tiny slice of what we see. As much as we would like it to be otherwise, we’re often forced to make decisions on the flimsiest of inf

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Are You a Chicken or a Pig?

Companies that need help are often terrified of risk. They’re afraid to act and, at the same time, they’re scared not to. And the recent recession has only added to that

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How to steal the march on your competitors

How you can persuade someone to buy from you without them having to think about it too much...

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How to answer concerns, questions or objections

It is only natural for most of us to procrastinate when we are asked to make a decision involving money we feel responsible for. As a general rule, most people, including you, me and most of our prospects hesitate before

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How to ask for a testimonial or referral

Getting referrals is not only simple, it is inexpensive and the lead closing rate is at least six times better. Yet very few business owners or sales people actually ask for referrals or testimonials. Let’s discuss how

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Three keys to managing multiple decision makers

Most sales people learn to sell to a single prospect and follow a fairly simple process. If you try to use this type of approach with a DMU of 3 to 8 people it will feel like trying to solve a Rubik's cube blindfolded

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Do you find selling to multiple decision makers fun?

Selling to one person can be more than enough fun much of the time. When two or more people have to sign off on the deal, selling becomes exponentially more complicated.

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What are your top negotiation problems?

Our ability to negotiate effectively is directly related to our success as a professional in our job and as a cost controller at home and at work. It even impacts our success as a life partner and parent. It is an essen

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